Monday, September 29, 2008

Austin's 4 year old Check up

I was a little late getting him to his appointment. About 2 months late. The whole time I was telling him don't worry you aren't going to get shots this time, but when you turn 5 you are going to have to get some. We got to the Dr. Office and he had to change into a gown, pee into a cup (he thought that was so silly), He was weighed 41 lbs. 9 oz. (90%) and measured 43 1/2" (90%) Which is so incredible to me...and then he had his eye test... he did amazing, He read all the way down to the second to the last line. I couldn't even read them up close and I don't wear contacts or glasses. (Maybe it's time I get mine checked too?!?!) And then I was about to get Austin dressed when the Dr said "ok, Austin will receive 4 vaccines today..." Today?!?!? I promised he wasn't going to have any shots today. The Dr. said we can wait, but they are now doing the kindergarten shots at 4 years old. I told Austin if we got them now he wouldn't have to get any shots until he was 1 year older than his cousin Tyler (11 years old) or we could not get them now and have to get them before he goes to kindergarten, luckily he opted for now. He tried to stay brave but, in the end, the needle won and Austin cried. And my being the forgetful mother that I am , forgot to massage the injection site, so now he has a huge bump, of where the vaccine is, and we are having to rub his very tender arm, and take hot soaking baths and I put a heated rice bag on it at night. Poor guy. It's a good thing he doesn't HAVE to get anymore shots until he is 11. Hopefully his memory of this will have faded by then.  The Dr. let him pick out a toy and a sticker afterward which he was very excited about, they even let Alyssa pick one out for being a supportive non-fussy sister.


Cami said...

I did this exact thing with Dane when he turned 4. I promised and PROMISED! I let him down. Totally sucked, but I've learned my lesson about shots and promises. I won't even say anything about the 'not til you're 12' thing.
Poor baby!